A+ Sona Pati Hussaini Feroza ( Very Rare ) Rehmat Ka Pathar ( Natural Turquoise 20 Carats ) Mehrban Stones – Best Stones | Shamsi Qalandari Jafari – Mehrban Ali

29,999 19,999

نایاب سونا پتی حسینی فیروزہ پتھر 

Hazrat Shah Shams Tabrez r.a said “Feroza Stone helps to remove misfortune, creates ability to control anger, Also increases wealth and improves relationships”.

حضرت شاہ شمس تبریزؒ نے فرمایا فیروزہ پہننےسے بدقسمتی ختم ہوتی ہے،غصے پرقابو پانے کی صلاحیت پیدا ہوتی ہے، دولت میں اضافہ ہوتا ہے اور رشتوں میں بہتری آتی ہے۔


خاص سائیں مہربان علی سے دم شدہ


Abul Mumin al-Ansaaree reports that I heard Abu Abdillah (Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as)) saying: The hands that wears Feroza will not see poverty. | Reference: Shaykh al-Tabrasee, Makarimul Akhlaaq, Teheran, 1972, pp. 87-89.


Product Benefits

  • Make better health, wealth and relationship.
  • It removes misfortunes and bad luck.
  • Help to control emotions and anger.
  • Create humbleness and kindness.

Product Detail

Region: Iran
Max Weight: 20 Carats
Planet: Venus

Treatment: None / Natural

Get the best Feroza – Stone of Blessing gemstone in Pakistan in regard of their effectiveness. Furthermore, Mehrban Ali not just sells gemstones but suggest you the right wearing of them with their purpose according wear burj and Zaicha.۔


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